matchingMarkets 1.0-1 Unreleased

Please note that only the most significant changes are reported here. A full ChangeLog is available in the log messages of the SVN repository on R-Forge and on GitHub.

This is a minor update

  • Added data generating function for exploded logit in

matchingMarkets 1.0-0 2018-12-04

This is a major update

  • Finalised estimators in stabit2 function, as well as algorithms in hri and hri2 for two-sided matching markets.

matchingMarkets 0.3-6 2018-10-23

This is a minor update

  • Added top-trading-cycle functions ttc2 and ttcc; random serial dictatorship rsd; and a function to check the stability of a given matching stabchk.

matchingMarkets 0.3-5 2018-02-23

This is a minor update

  • Added R wrapper for Roth-Peranson Algorithm in function hri2.

matchingMarkets 0.3-3 2017-03-26

This is a minor update

  • Implemented multi-core parrallel processing for estimators in function stabit2, which can be specified using the nCores argument.
  • Updated immediate acceptance algorithm iaa and top-trading-cycles ttc functions. Thanks to Sándor Sóvágó at Tinbergen Institute and Kevin Breuer at University of Cologne for the reports.

matchingMarkets 0.3-1 2016-08-21

This is a major update

  • Replaced stable matching algorithms with constraint programming model implemented for hospital/residents problem hri and stable roommates sri with incomplete lists.
  • Added plot and summary methods for estimators.
  • Allowed for thinning in stabit2 function.

matchingMarkets 0.2-2 Unreleased

This is a minor update

  • Allowed for two selection equations in stabit2 function for two-sided matching markets.

matchingMarkets 0.2-1 2016-01-30

This is a major update

  • Added stabit2 function for two-sided matching markets.

matchingMarkets 0.1-6 2015-10-06

This is a major update

matchingMarkets 0.1-5 2015-07-08

This is a minor update.

  • Fixed daa function for college admissions problems when number of students exceeds number of colleges. Thanks to Jan Tilly at University of Pennsylvania for the report.

matchingMarkets 0.1-1 2014-11-22

Initial commit.